SimpleStupid wrote:If you say wiz can got curse if using pfm/ds, id say blind is acceptable to sfd players too.
Think about it. Im trying play war with arena rules, but yllsean doesnt.
@alan, mate, im sorry i stunned you first. I admitted. But before i stun you, theres a story.
RKCK divine cursed me first at ggs, then i whispered rev and he said freakk stun first(mention freakk didnt know the no cusre deal), then i said, ok nvm. Then i guild chat saying play fair as in arena.
So i went to atk yllse to aviod divine curse(i guess this war rkck will keep this shit untill end), but got stunned at GL by Grandwiz(who is always playing stun/blind) lol. Im quite sad of this, so maybe im too fool to treat those yellow army?
Then i stunnd alan.
+1 to the thing I highlighted
Well yah, I never curse in war and my guildmates only started doing so if they got cursed first.
Recently, when I went war, Yllse didn't curse but only this GrandWiz, playing blind/ stun & stone even
So it's pretty unfair Yllse could be exempted from accusing of using curse while we still got cursed when there's someone like GrandWiz...
@ Linsen, lul.. yellow army