Eleval wrote:All the current Zypern players (at least those in our guild) have never hacked. Those who did are no longer in Zypern, they went in Yllse (looking at colo). And lot of hackers are from Yllse. Some never hacked (such as ting) even if they got banned but got caught due to account sharing with other yllses. Some hacked and made new characters or bought already existing characters (like PuffPuff).
Maybe it's a vile text but it's true, Yllse is the nation with the highest number of banned hackers while Zypern got a very few amount of banned people (and most of those were random CC).
Facts are facts, Zypern is a nation of fair and skilled players.
Fair? Doubtful.
Skilled? Most definitely not. The only really "skilled" players here in my opinion were from Yllse Karvinen, Klei, Thomas and Onroptem and from Vyseus most of the original ZT. From Zypern only Jessy pops into mind, who was originally Yllse. Stop trying to shine in a fake spotlight, Zypern scrub. You can't even land a spell properly against a lower level.
Now you're calling Yllse a hacker nation due to us having more than the others. So apparently we all hacked at some point, if not by ourselves then due to someone else using our account. Brilliant. Damn, you Zypern scum are lowskill, even at flaming someone unknown. Go ahead and blame every single loss on cheats/hacks, will make it easier for you.