Disappearance of anecdote mission 'Tokyo Guidance'.

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Disappearance of anecdote mission 'Tokyo Guidance'.

Postby SaintlyDemon » Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:37 am

I was playing Dragon Raja as usual and wanted to complete the anecdote mission 'Tokyo Guidance'. As I found 4 Adams or so a prompt of a club activity, time limited event appeared. So I went to participate in it and after completing the event I returned to Tokyo to find rest of the Adams. However, upon returning I couldn't find Adams anymore. I searched for them everywhere, found this strange so checked in the active missions tab and was surprised to see that the 'Tokyo Guidance' anecdote mission [other] disappeared from the mission list which was present there before I went to the Limited time club event. I tried everything after that but the mission does not activate again nor do the Adams appear anywhere in Tokyo. Please help!!

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