Editing the English Subtitles

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Editing the English Subtitles

Postby Tomoe77 » Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:03 am

I enjoy the cutscenes, however, it's sometimes a bit jarring when the characters say one thing but the subtitles say another. Maybe this is a translation issue, but it's strange when I hear "How did you get such perfect skin?" but read "How did you get such white skin?"

I'm not sure about non-native English speakers, but I have noticed that there are several people whose English is not their first language in-game. Do they watch the cutscenes in English? I'm not sure, but it would be confusing to hear something and have the subtitles for it be something completely different. I'm currently learning another language and my teacher suggested watching Spanish movies with Spanish subtitles to practice hearing/ understanding the language better. If I heard something in Spanish but the subtitles were different I would be genuinely confused.

It's not a pressing issue, but it would be a nice tidy up.

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