[Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Here will be posted the upcoming events in the world of Dragon Raja.
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[Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Sat May 04, 2013 9:01 pm

Hi everyone! I’m very pleased to announce that I’m hired as the new event GM – GMInspire. We sincerely thank for all the great supports from all of you through the ups and downs! Hopefully we could all brainstorm together and have more new kinds of events in the future!

At this weekend, I will host two events as a greeting and in order to have some fun with all of you guys!


Event 1 - Monster Survival
How tanky do you think you are? Do you think you are tough enough to stand still when crowds of monsters keep coming to you?

The Event
There will be two types of play for this event:

A) Last Man Standing (LMS)
We will continuously summon different kinds of monsters until one player is left alive !

B) Monster Waves
We will continuously summon different kinds of monsters for 2 minutes. After the time is up, all the summoned monsters will begin dying off. The survivor(s) after all the summoned monsters died will be rewarded.

There will be 3 rounds for each type. It begins with 3 rounds of LMS and then 3 rounds of Monster Waves. In between rounds there will be a 5 minute-break for players to refill their potion boxes and inventories.

The Prize
For A) Last Man Standing (LMS), the survivor will get:
1) 300 RE;
2) A Secret of a nation at your choice;
3) A Gold Coin.

For B) Monster Waves, the survivor(s) will get:
1) Sardonyx x 1;
2) 150 RE (added on 11th May, 2013)

The General Rules
1) All the Spells, Skills and Combat Skills of all the players will be disabled for the whole event. Hence, monsters can't die and
you’d better grab your tanky gear and come up with the best strategy to survive against them!

2) No ress pots and summoning potions are allowed during the entire event.

3) When the round begins, there will be no new comers! You must wait for a round to end before entering the next round!

4) Players aren't allowed to hide in spots we might have forgotten to block with monsters. (added on 10th May, 2013)

5) There is no dual or level restriction for this event. All the players are welcomed!

Time & Venue
Date: 11th May, 2013, Saturday
Time: 11:30 SVT (changed on 10th May, 2013)
Location: The LMS Arena (changed on 10th May, 2013)


Event 2 - A Mix of Hide-N-Seek and PK Tournament
Tired of Hide-N-Seek itself alone? What about we make Hide-N-Seek become more meaningful?
Let’s check out the following!

The Event
I will appear in a random spot in The Great Grassland. The first 10 players who are able to find me will be granted a qualification automatically to enter the PK Tournament! (See the Rules below for more details of entering the PK Tournament).

[PK Tournament]
Once 10 players are selected, they will be teleported directly to the LMS Arena by me. As for the buffing…don’t worry ! You can simply get Enchant Weapon (Z) and Save From Danger (SFD) simply by clicking the NPC located in the middle of the arena. The Tournament ends when there will be only one player left alive. Hence, he or she will be the winner!

The Prize
The Winner of the PK Tournament will get:
1) 3,000 RE;
2) A set of Secrets (Zypern, Vyseus, Yllse);
3) 5 Pieces of Cyclops Skins OR Dark Bear Skins at your choice.

For the rest of the 9 defeated players…Don’t get frustrated!
You will also get:
1) 1,000 RE;
2) A Secret of a nation at your choice;
3) 2 Pieces of Cyclops Skins OR Dark Bear Skins at your choice.

The General Rules
1) The moment you find me, you have to type “Found you" or "found you” in Normal Chat in order to determine who will be the first 10 players. However, spamming in the Normal Chat with “Found you / found you” or any other words, actions that causing constant disturbance will be disqualified immediately for the whole event.

2) Since the qualification for entering the PK Tournament will be granted at the moment you find me and by saying “Found you/ found you”, you still have the rights to withdraw from it before the PK begins. Your place will then be replaced by another player according to the sequence. However, there will be no rewards given to you.

3) The maximum number of people from each nation is 6 (not limited to guild). However, there’s a dual level restriction – only dual 1 or dual 1+ players will be allowed to participate in both parts of the events.

4) In case there will be no players left alive, a re-match will be held for all those 10 players.

Spells/ Items - using Rules
1) The following Spells are not allowed:
a) Cursing (Stun, Stone, Confusion, Divine Curse, Blind, etc.)
b) Complete Sanctuary
c) Any Revival Spell
d) Monster Summoning

2) The following Items are not allowed:
a) Any item effects that will prevent magic damage including Life Drain
b) Any item that will revive yourself
c) Summoning Potions
d) All kinds of candles (added on 6th May, 2013)

Time & Venue
Date: 12th May, 2013, Sunday
Time: 14:00 SVT
Location: The Great Grassland and The LMS Arena

Breaking any of the above rules in the events will receive an immediate disqualification. Make sure you understand and follow them well!


See you guys all ingame at the weekend!
Stay tuned for more events coming!

All the suggestions of events are welcomed.

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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Sun May 05, 2013 4:44 pm

大家好 ! 我是新聘請的活動 GM – GMInspire。首先, 在過往雖然有很多開心與不開心的事情發生, 但都多謝大家一直以來的參與和支持 ! 在此, 我希望能夠舉辦多一些不同種類的活動, 令大家都能夠享受更多樂趣 !

在這個週末, 我會舉辦兩個活動, 藉此跟大家見面和認識多一點你們 !


活動 1 – 怪物召喚生存
面對著一浪接一浪的怪物召喚, 你能夠生存下來嗎 ?


A) 最後的生還者
我會不斷地召喚不同種類的怪物, 直至只剩下一位玩家生存下來 !

B) 怪物召喚生存
在兩分鐘內, 我會不斷地召喚不同種類的怪物。兩分鐘過後, 所有怪物都會死掉, 而能夠生存下來的玩家會得到獎品。

每種形式的玩法都會有 3 個回合。首先會是 3 次的最後的生還者然後會有 3 次的怪物召喚生存。每個回合之間都會有 5 分鐘小休, 讓大家可以去買治療藥水和補一補包包。

A) 最後的生還者, 那位幸運的最後生還者將會獲得:
1) 300 RE;
2) 一份秘密文件 (傑彭/ 拜索斯/ 伊斯, 由玩家自行選擇);
3) 一枚金幣;

B) 怪物召喚生存, 所有生還者將會獲得:
1) 一顆瑪瑙 
2) 150 RE (修改日期: 11th May, 2013)

1) 所有法術, 技能和戰鬥技能將會被禁止使用。因此, 所有怪物都不會受到攻擊而死亡, 各位玩家要裝備好, 抵抗這堆頑強的怪物生存下來 !

2) 所有復活靈藥和怪物召喚藥水都禁止使用。

3) 當回合開始後, 遲來的玩家都不能參與是次回合 ! 你必需要等是次回合結束後, 才能參加下一個回合 !

4) 玩家不能躲藏於某些安全點 (以防那些怪物不能攻擊玩家) (修改日期: 10th May, 2013)

5) 這個活動沒有任何職級和等級限制。歡迎所有玩家參與 !

日期: 5 月 11 日, 星期六
時間: 11:30 (以伺服器時間為準) (修改日期: 10th May, 2013)
地點: LMS 競技場 (修改日期: 10th May, 2013)


活動 2 – 捉迷藏和 PK 戰的混合
厭倦了花大半天時間去找 GM 拿取獎品後然後活動便結束了 ? 這次的捉迷藏不再會是這麼簡單 !

我將會隨機地出現在大草原的某一個地方。頭十名玩家找到我的玩家將會自動地獲得 PK 戰的參賽資格 ! (詳細規則請看下面的文字)

[PK 戰]
當有十位玩家都挑選好了, 他們將會被我傳送到 LMS 競技場。至於拿取加加和保護魔法方面, 大家都可以到 LMS 競技場的中心, 點那個 NPC 來獲取 武器加持術 (Z) 和 排除危險 (SFD)。當只剩下一位玩家生存下來的時候, PK 戰將會結束。而他/ 她將會成為贏家 !

PK 戰的贏家將會獲得:
1) 3,000 RE;
2) 一套秘密文件 (傑彭/ 拜索斯/ 伊斯);
3) 5 塊獨眼巨人皮 或 黑熊皮 (由玩家自行選擇)

而那九位戰敗的玩家…不要氣餒 !
1) 1,000 RE;
2) 一份秘密文件 (傑彭/ 拜索斯/ 伊斯, 由玩家自行選擇);
3) 2 塊獨眼巨人皮 或 黑熊皮 (由玩家自行選擇)

1) 當玩家在大草原找到我的時候, 你必需要在公眾頻道中打 “Found you/ found you”, 因為這將會用來決定誰是頭十名玩家。但是, 如果玩家蓄意在公眾頻道中不停地打 “Found you/ found you” 或是其他字眼, 行動而阻礙到活動的進行, 你將會即時被取消資格。

2) 雖然 PK 戰的參賽資格是由你在大草原找到我的那一刻, 然後在公眾頻道中打 “Found you/ found you” 獲得, 你仍然有權選擇參與或退出 PK 戰。但是, 你的參賽資格將會被取消, 而另一位玩家將會補上 (根據玩家找到我的先後時間去決定), 而自行放棄參賽資格的玩家將不會獲得任何獎品。

3) 每個國家只能有六位玩家能參與 (不限制於公會)。但是, 將會有等級限制 – 只有一轉或一轉以上的玩家方可參與是次活動。

4) 如果在 PK 戰中所有玩家都死掉, 該十位玩家將會重新對戰。

法術/ 物品使用規則
1) 以下法術將會禁止使用:
a) 詛咒系 (真言/ 石化/ 混亂/ 神的詛咒/ 奪目 等等)
b) 絕對障壁
c) 所有復活的法術
d) 所有怪物召喚的法術

2) 以下物品將會禁止使用:
a) 任何將會防止魔法攻擊的物品 (包括奪取生命值)
b) 任何將會導致玩家復活的物品
c) 怪物召喚藥水
d) 所有蠟燭 (修改日期: 6th May, 2013)

日期: 5 月 12 日, 星期天
時間: 14:00 (以伺服器時間為準)
地點: 大草原和 LMS 競技場

請注意: 如有玩家犯了以上任何一條規則, 該名玩家將會即時被取消資格。煩請所有玩家仔細閱讀規則 !


在週末時跟大家見面吧 !
請各位玩家密切留意, 將會有更多活動會舉辦 !


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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Mon May 06, 2013 7:51 am

A quick update to the "Spells/ Items - using Rules" of the "Event 2 - PK Tournament":
Added: "d) All kinds of candles"

更新: "活動 2 - PK 戰" 的 "法術/ 物品使用規則"
新增: "d) 所有蠟燭"

Thank you for your kind attention.

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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Fri May 10, 2013 12:11 pm

A quick update to the "Location" of the "Event 1 - Monsters Survival"
Changed "Hegemonia" to "The LMS Arena"

更新: "活動 1 – 怪物召喚生存" 的舉辦地點
由 "海格摩尼亞" 轉到 "LMS 競技場"

Thank you for your kind attention.

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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Fri May 10, 2013 6:12 pm

A quick update to the "The General Rules" of the "Event 1 - Monsters Survival":
Added: "4) Players aren't allowed to hide in spots we might have forgotten to block with monsters."
Changed: the starting time "from "11:00 SVT to 11:30 SVT" in order to let players have sufficient time for enjoying both the Local War and the Events !

更新: "活動 1 – 怪物召喚生存" 的 "規則"
新增: "4) 玩家不能躲藏於某些安全點 (以防那些怪物不能攻擊玩家)"
另外, 為了讓各位玩家有更充裕的時間去參與邊戰和活動, 活動開始時間將會 "由 11:00 SVT 改為 11:30 SVT" !

Thank you for your kind attention.

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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Sat May 11, 2013 3:45 pm

"Event 1 - Monster Survival" has concluded !

Congratulations to the Winners:
A) Last Man Standing (LMS):

B) Monster Waves:
*Additional Rewards, 150 RE (added on 11th May, 2013) was given to the following Winners:

Thank you for all of you joining the Events and supporting me !
Please stay tuned for the Event 2 tomorrow for more Rewards !
See you tomorrow ! :party:

"活動 1 – 怪物召喚生存" 已經圓滿結束 !

A) 最後的生還者:
1st Round:Lucina

B) 怪物召喚生存:
*臨時附加了獎品, 150 RE (修改日期: 11th May, 2013) 給以下的玩家:

多謝各位玩家的參與和支持 !
很高興能與大家見面 !
明天還有活動 2, 請大家不要猶豫, 繼續參與, 贏取更多的獎品 !
明天見 :party:

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Re: [Events] A Greeting from GMInspire

Postby GMInspire » Sun May 12, 2013 6:49 pm

"Event 2 - A Mix of Hide-N-Seek and PK Tournament" has concluded !

Congratulations to the Winners:

[PK Tournament]

Thank you again for all of you joining the Events and supporting me !
Please stay tuned for more Events in the future !
Also, I'll host some Random Events in game from time to time without any announcement in the forum, make sure you won't miss any of them !

"活動 2 – 捉迷藏和 PK 戰的混合" 已經圓滿結束 !


[PK 戰]

再一次多謝各位玩家的參與和支持 !
請不要錯過接下來將會舉辦的活動, 不要猶豫, 繼續參與, 贏取更多更多的獎品 !
另外, 我將會隨機地在遊戲內舉辦一些活動 (事前將不會作任何通知), 請大家密切留意 !

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