Custom UI Tutorial

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Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:21 am

Dear Players,

With the new UI system and the ability for any of you to make Custom UIs, some explanations are needed about how to make them.

First of all, all the UI files will be located in your "Data/UI" folder.
There, with a normal installation of DR, you should find the following files:

Let's look at the uilist.ui file:

Code: Select all


This file contains contains the names of all the other .ui files. So if you wish to add a new UI into the game, you must add a line into that file.

Let's add a line and let's call it PlayerInfos:

Code: Select all


Now make a new text file in the folder and call it PlayerInfos.ui

Let's open it.
First, you need to put the main block of the UI by adding the following code:

Code: Select all



As you can see, we set the name of the UI there also (the name we set in the uilist.ui is only the file name, not the actual UI name)

We first need to place our UI on the screen. To do so, we have 2 possbilities.
Set the top left corner coords.
Set the origin coords (center of the UI).
I will set it by its origin like this, at the center of the screen:

Code: Select all


Then, we need to set its width and height. If you plan on adding a Background (highly recommanded !), the best way to do is to tell it to get it from the background's image:

Code: Select all


Then, as we set its size from the Background, let's add that background !
To add a new "Element" or "Widget" in the UI, you must add a new block called "UIElement", like this:

Code: Select all

   ...coords & size...


Image sets the kind of Element to be an Image (logic !), a complete list of Elements is available at the bottom of this tutorial.
Now let's look at that Image.
First, we must give it a name (very important !):

Code: Select all


Then, we must set its relative coords:

Code: Select all


relx is the relative X coord and rely is the relative Y coord. By relative this means their coord in the UI, not on the screen. The 0,0 point is the top left corner of the UI.
And finally, as it is an image, we must set an image !

Code: Select all


Attention, the UI Images must be of the .csp extension and we will NOT provide any tool to make .csp images ! However, we will provide progressively enough .csp to make any kind of UI you want (and we may add later on other kind of image types such as .png)

The minimal code of our UI is done ! However, it wont be shown on the screen as nothing calls it.
To do so, we must edit an existing UI and add a Button which will call it.
So, open MainInterface.ui and scroll down until the bottom:

Code: Select all


And let's add a new TextButton Element after the ItemIcon called ItemQuick5:

Code: Select all

      text=Click Me!

Let me explain the following code:
name, relx and rely, we have seen before what those were.
text: It is the text of the button, which will appear on the screen.
action: It is the action which is executed when the button is clicked. We put there the name of our new UI.
type: It is the type of action the button executes. As we open an UI, we set OPEN_UI.

Alright, let's save the file and check what appears ingame !

Next time I will show how to add some stuff in our UI ;)

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:02 am

Second Part
Well, we've got our new UI to be shown, but it's a bit empty, isn't it? So let's add some content in it !
As we've called it PlayerInfos, let's add some infos regarding the player in it.

First, we would like to show the player's name.
We can do it using the Text Element:

Code: Select all


Let's have a look at some new proprieties in there:
r, g and b are the text's color. r being Red, g Green and b Blue. There values go from 0 to 255.
now text=#HeroName, what does #HeroName mean? Adding a # between a word for a text is a tag to tell the game it is a pre-defined text, HeroName being the name of that text. In this case, #HeroName is the tag to display the Character's name. A complete list of pre-defined texts will be available at the end of the topic.

Let's have a look at the result:
It works !!!

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:47 am

Now let's add a HP and MP Gauges to our UI.

We will for this use the Gauge Element, declare it like this:
HP Gauge:

Code: Select all


Let's have a look at the different proprieties:
image : The image used for the Gauge. Attention ! Only images ending with "_empty", "_full" and "_fill" are allowed for Gauges !
width : Is the size of and Horizontal Gauge. If the Gauge was set as Vertical, height should be used instead.
type : Is the type of Gauge, either HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL
adjustx and adjusty : Is were the Gauge is filled in the image, basically a few pixels down/right from the top left border.
alpha : This propriety is also available for images and some other Elements. In this case, it defines the transparency of the Gauge (Attention, the Alpha doesn't really go from 0 to 255, afaik it more or less goes from 0 to 35, this isn't a decision from me but from DR's original code...)
now and max : Are the values for the Gauge. max is the maximum value and now is the current value. Tags are put in order to ask the game the values.

Now let's make the MP Gauge the same way:

Code: Select all


Alright, our Gauges are made, let's have a look ingame.

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:03 am

Last part of this tutorial, we will add a button to close our UI.

To do so, we must add a ImageButton Element :

Code: Select all


This button is made nearly the exact same way as the TextButton but let's look at the differences:
First we must set an image for the button. Attention, only the images with "_normal", "_highlighted", "_pressed" and "_disabled" at the end are allowed unless you add the propriety "uniqueimage=1".
As you can see, we still reference the UI name in the "action" propriety but we changed the type to "CLOSE_UI".
Also, we added a "shortcut" propriety. This allows you to set a keyboard shortcut for the button. This also works for TextButtons.

Alright, let's have a look ingame:

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:16 am

The UI Proprieties

Code: Select all


The absolute X coordinate of the top-left corner of the UI on the screen (minimum is 0, maximum is 800)

Code: Select all


The absolute top coordinate of the top-left corner of the UI on the screen (minimum is 0, maximum is 600)

Code: Select all


The absolute X coordinate of the center of the UI. (minimum is 0, maximum is 800)

Code: Select all


The absolute Y coordinate of the center of the UI. (minimum is 0, maximum is 600)

Code: Select all


The Width of the UI. (minimum is 0, maximum is 800)

Code: Select all


The Height of the UI. (minimum is 0, maximum is 600)

Code: Select all


Tells the UI to gets its size from the size of an element (usually taken from the background as it's the biggest element in the UI)

Code: Select all


When set to 1, makes an UI unable to be closed by pressing Escape or Space. The UI can however still be closed from another UI.

Code: Select all


When set to 1, makes an UI visible by default when the game is launched.

Code: Select all


When set to 1, every opened UI (except permanent ones) get closed. The default value is 1.

Code: Select all


When set to 1, the UI produces no sound on opening/closing.

Code: Select all


The sound which is played when the UI is opened (found in the Sound folder)

Code: Select all


The sound which is when the UI is closed (found in the Sound folder)

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:42 am

The Elements/Widgets and their proprieties

Common proprieties

Code: Select all


Sets the name of the Widget, never forget this propriety. Also, the names order the Widgets on the screen. A Widget called "Button" will be drawn before a widget called "Text".

Code: Select all


Sets the relative X coordinate on the UI.

Code: Select all


Sets the relative Y coordinate on the UI.

Code: Select all


If set to 1, the widget will not appear.

Code: Select all


If set to 1, clicking on the widget will have no effect.

A button with an image which will execute an action when clicked on or when its shortcut is pressed.

Code: Select all


Sets the relative path of the image the button is using. The images used for the button must end with "_normal", "_highlighted", "_pressed" and "_disabled", unless uniqueimage is set to 1

Code: Select all


Sets the action which will be executed when clicking on the button. If the type is set the OPEN_UI or CLOSE_UI, the action must be the targeted UI's name.

Code: Select all


Sets the action type of the button. The default on is FUNCTION, see below for a complete list of available functions. OPEN_UI and CLOSE_UI open and close the targeted UI set in the action propriety.

Code: Select all


Sets that the button only have one image for all its states.

Code: Select all


Tells the game to execute this button's action when the referenced key is pressed. (The shortcut keys must be set in upper case !)

Code: Select all


If set to 1, makes no sound when pressed.

Code: Select all


The sound which is played when the button is clicked (found in the Sound folder)

A button made of Text which will execute an action when clicked on or when its shortcut gets pressed.

The proprieties are the same as the ImageButton except that image and uniqueimage are removed.

Code: Select all


Sets the text of the button.

A vertical or horizontal gauge.

Code: Select all


The image used by the Gauge to be drawn. Attention, only images ending by "_empty", "_full" and "_fill" are allowed !

Code: Select all


Sets the type of the Gauge. HORIZONTAL for a horizontal gauge and VERTICAL for a vertical gauge.

Code: Select all


Sets the with of the Gauge ONLY if the type is set to HORIZONTAL.

Code: Select all


Sets the height of the Gauge ONLY if the type is set to VERTICAL.

Code: Select all


Adjusts the Gauge's content X coordinate according to it's frame (usually a value from 1 to 5)

Code: Select all


Adjusts the Gauge's content Y coordinate according to it's frame (usually a value from 1 to 5)

Code: Select all


Set's the Gauge's content transparency value if you wish to display the Gauge's background through its content. (A value from 0 to 35).

Code: Select all


Set the current value of the Gauge. Use a pre-defined value for this. Check below for a list of pre-defined values.

Code: Select all


Set the max value of the Gauge. Use a pre-defined value for this. Check below for a list of pre-defined values.

An image to display on the screen.

Code: Select all


The image drawn on the screen.

Code: Select all


The image's transparency. (value from 0 to 35)

An image which will display an item. Attention ! The item can only be used as an Icon !

Code: Select all


If set to 1, do not show the item's description when the mouse is over.

Code: Select all


If set to 1, the mouse and the shortcut will have no effect.

Code: Select all


Set a keyboard key to use the item.

Code: Select all


Set the item's number. A pre-defined value can also be put. Check below for a list of pre-defined values.

An image which will display a magic. When clicked on, it will cast the linked magic. Also works with Skills.

Code: Select all


If set to 1, do not show the magic's description when the mouse is over.

Code: Select all


If set to 1, the mouse and the shortcut will have no effect.

Code: Select all


Set a keyboard key to execute the magic.

Code: Select all


Set the magic's number. A pre-defined value can also be put. Check below for a list of pre-defined values.

Code: Select all


Set the type. 0 = Magic, 1 = Skill.

Code: Select all


An image which is drawn when no magic are set.

Displays text on the screen.

Code: Select all


The text to be displayed on the screen.

Code: Select all


The text's Red value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Green value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Blue value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


Align the text either to LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER.

Displays texts which automatically goes to the next line. The width property is used to determine the maximum length of a row in pixels.

Code: Select all


The text to be displayed on the screen.

Code: Select all


The text's Red value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Green value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Blue value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


Align the text either to LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER.

Text field where the player can input a text.

Code: Select all


The text's Red value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Green value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


The text's Blue value (from 0 to 255);

Code: Select all


Align the text either to LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER.

Code: Select all


Maximum length of the text in characters.

A Radio Button. Multiple radio buttons have to be grouped in the same Layout in order to work properly.
They have the exact same properties as the ImageButton widget.

Code: Select all


Set if the radio button is pre-selected.

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:55 am

List of pre-defined Texts

Code: Select all


The name of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The level of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The current experience percents of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The current experience of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The current life of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The current mana of the player's character.

Code: Select all


The current percent in the player's character's orison/magery level.

Code: Select all


The current level of the player's character's orison/magery.

Code: Select all


The current percent in the player's character's weapon level.

Code: Select all


The current level of the player's character's weapon.

Code: Select all


The current percent in the player's character's job/skill level.

Code: Select all


The current level of the player's character's job/skill.

Code: Select all


The current chat type. (Normal, guild, whisper, etc...)

Code: Select all


The chat's writing input content.

Code: Select all


The current number of items in the player's potion box.

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:02 am

List of pre-defined values

Code: Select all


The current amount of the player's character's HPs.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of the player's character's HPs.

Code: Select all


The current amount of the player's character's MPs.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of the player's character's MP.

Code: Select all


The current amount of the player's character's Food points.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of the player's character's Food points.

Code: Select all


The current amount of experience in the player's character's orison/magery level.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of experience in the player's character's orison/magery level.

Code: Select all


The current amount of experience in the player's character's weapon level.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of experience in the player's character's weapon level.

Code: Select all


The current amount of experience in the player's character's job/skill level.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of experience in the player's character's job/skill level.

Code: Select all


The current amount of experience in the player's character's level.

Code: Select all


The maximum amount of experience in the player's character's level.

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:06 am

List of UI Functions for the Buttons

Code: Select all


Change the player's character's battle type (Peace, Battle, PK).

Code: Select all


Switches from normal chat to guild chat.

Code: Select all


Switches from guild chat to party chat.

Code: Select all


Switches from party chat to normal chat.

Code: Select all


Switches between the different persons you have recently whispered.

Code: Select all


Unlocks the chat.

Code: Select all


Locks the chat.

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Re: Custom UI Tutorial

Postby GMSignPainter » Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:06 pm


Layouts have two roles in the UIs.
- The first and main one is to align several widgets properly without having to manually set the coord of each widget. You only have to set the Layout's coords.
- The second role is to group the Radio Buttons.

The Layouts have the same common properties as the other Widgets.

They have one extra property however:
This property determines the space in pixels between each widgets in the layout.

There are two types of layouts:
HBox and VBox.
HBox is the Horizontal Layout.
VBox is the Vertical Layout.

Layouts are very easy to use in the UI definition.

Here an example to create an Horizontal layout:

Code: Select all



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