[Event] GMs Joining Wars - Round 2!

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[Event] GMs Joining Wars - Round 2!

Postby GMInspire » Wed May 29, 2013 12:34 pm

It’s been a long while GMs joining Wars…
For the upcoming ones, GMs will be joining again!


The Event
Round 1
From time to time, GMs will be joining the upcoming Wars. Unlike last time, only the Nation who has the lowest number of Players will be having GMs joining. GMs will then decide which Nation they are going to assist on a Real Time Basis! However, this time GMs not only will defend but also will attack (by attacking, it means that GMs will only assist on killing Defenders in the Attack Team. They will never attack the Stones).
In other words, the Wars will become more intense!

The Prize
Each player in the Wining Nation which has taken part into the War will be rewarded with full PWP!
As for the Losing Nation, their amount of PWP will remain unchanged.

Date: 3rd June, 2013, Monday
Time: 14:00 SVT

See you there! ^o^


有好一段日子 GMs 都沒參與過邊境戰了...
在未來的日子裡, GMs 會再次參與!


接下來的日子裡, GMs 會再度參與邊境戰。不過, 這次跟上次的參戰形式會有所不同, 只有最少人數參戰的國家將會獲得 GMs 的協助。屆時 GMs 會根據實時的實際人數去決定協助哪一個國家! 然而, 這次 GMs 不但會協助防守, 他們還會協助進攻 (進攻的意思是 GMs 只會協助殺掉敵方的防守玩家, 而他們是不會協助攻打結界石)。
換言而之, 邊境戰將會變得更加激烈!

在戰勝國, 每位有份參與和協助的玩家將會獲得全滿的 PWP!
而在戰敗國, 每位有份參與和協助的玩家, 他們的 PWP 將會維持不變。

日期: 6 月 3 日, 星期一
時間: 14:00 (以伺服器時間為準)

到時見! ^o^

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Re: [Event] GMs Joining Wars - Round 2!

Postby GMInspire » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:14 pm

The Event
Round 2
Instead of joining Zypern like the first time, this time GMs will join either Vyseus or Yllse, depending on which has the lowest amount of Players in the War in order to fill the gaps on a Real Time Basis! Let’s say each GM will count for 4 - 6 people.

The Prize
Each player in the Wining Nation which has taken part into the War will be rewarded with full PWP!
As for the Losing Nation, their amount of PWP will remain unchanged.

Date: 7th June, 2013, Friday
Time: 14:00 SVT


這一次的形式會跟第一回合有所不同, GMs 會根據實時的實際人數去決定協助拜索斯或伊斯, 務求去平衡玩家的人數。比方說每個 GM 代表 4 - 6 位玩家。

在戰勝國, 每位有份參與和協助的玩家將會獲得全滿的 PWP!
而在戰敗國, 每位有份參與和協助的玩家, 他們的 PWP 將會維持不變。

日期: 6 月 7 日, 星期五
時間: 14:00 (以伺服器時間為準)

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