Push Notifications

If you have any suggestion in order to make the game better, tell them, they are always welcome.
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Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:20 am

Push Notifications

Postby Tomoe77 » Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:49 am

I don't get an alert outside of the game whether or not an event or someone in-game messaged me. It would be really nice if I could enable Push notifications for the game. For instance, if a club event was going to start soon I could get an alert on my phone that says so, I think this can encourage club activity more if people offline are reminded of it. It really sucks when there's only a handful of club members participating in an event. (I wonder if that's more of a club member issue though)

However, if this is impossible because of technical issues, I understand.
For instance, I have all the available character slots taken up with different class characters, and it would be bothersome if notifications for each of those characters kept alerting me. One account at a time would be nice.

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